The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11940   Message #91296
Posted By:
01-Jul-99 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: Paul Robeson's repertoire
Subject: Paul Robeson's repertoire
Could someone help me to find lyrics (or better, full score) for some jewels lost in time ? I am an amateur tenor, singing in a large choral group, but when it comes to solo performances, I prefer negro spirituals and old jazz (I sing them better than opera arias :)

The titles are, for example: Love Song from the movie "Sanders of the River", My Rockin' chair, Water Boy, Little Pal, Lazy Bones, Poor Old Joe, Got the South in My Soul, etc. They were all published in CD REMEMBER series RMB 75024 by Paul Robeson.

Lindy Lou was part of this CD, and already found in another thread of this forum. Thank you, and best regards from this side of the globe (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Andrés Magré -