The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41310   Message #913296
Posted By: Blues=Life
19-Mar-03 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: TECH: Sing it in, get dots out
Subject: RE: TECH: Sing it in, get dots out
For some reason, I'm finding this conversation fascinating. The differences between the "Can"s and the "Can't"s really are something. The "Can Sight Read" crowd seem to think the "Can't Sight Read" folks just aren't trying hard enough. There are different gifts, you know. Also, as an excellent musician I know says, you either see music as a keyboard or as a fretboard. I think it might be easier to sight read when you see music as a keyboard, in a linear fashion. But, please, remember, different horses for different courses. The music director at my church likes to joke: "How do you get a guitarist to play REAL quietly? Put sheet music in front of him." Ha-Ha, funny. However, when I wanted to sing something in a different key once, the keyboardist and the pianist both protested. "You can't just change keys like that, we don't have the music!" "Yeah," I responded,"but I've got a capo!" (I had to sing it too high, they couldn't change.)

My point? YOUR way is not necessarily THE way, and it's good to remember that when dealing with other musicians.

A "CAN'T", and darn (kindof) proud of it!
(A face for radio, a voice for mime!)