The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #913423
Posted By: *daylia*
19-Mar-03 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Oh yes, I wanted to respond to Amos who said And far as the power of the United States, the ideology of murder is not part of our (the U.S.') collective character--certainly, at least, not an acknowledged part..."

As a Canadian inundated with American "culture" via TV and movies all my life, I know very well the American love of and fascination with murder, war and violent crime. American murderers end to become cultural 'icons' - almost 'heroes'. Look at Jeffrey Dahmer and OJ Simpson! Violence and crime continue to be Hollywood staples, the more graphic and demented the better - and especially if sex is combined with the violence. TV cop/forensic science shows are top of the ratings lists. And American weapons manufacturers make a huge killing every year providing guns to anyone who wants them, that the slaughter continue.

American history is just one bloody conquest after another. It speaks for itself.

And the statistics speak for themselves too. According to the article I linked you to above," The homicide rate for children in the United States was five times higher than that for children in the other 25 countries combined (2.57 per 100,000 compared with 0.51)"

Yes, American children are born and bred for dehumanized violence and war. US Army video games are now free for the downloading for any American teenager. Now Big Brother can train them for killing, in the comfort of their own homes without even having to pay them a salary! What a breakthrough for those revered American principles and foreign interests!

IMO this world would become a much safer, peaceful place if Americans honestly acknowledged who they really are, and worked to change it.
