The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57909   Message #913866
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
19-Mar-03 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stars mouth off re Dixie Chicks
Subject: RE: BS: Stars mouth off re Dixie Chicks
My point is calling her "unpatriotic" for criticizing the president is stupid and hypocritical. Calling her a coward is just mean and uncalled for.

Doug I was complaining about people who are smug while they are stupidly contridicting themselves. I don't think I was being smug or hypocritical. I equally defend your right to say stupid things about Clinton as I defends Maines' right to stupidly (as it turned out) criticize Bush.

Speaking of saying dumb things about Clinton. Clinton & Saddam "And I, for one, would be interested in your elaborating on your remarks about how Mr. Clinton was dealing with Saddam. It seems to me he did his best to avoid dealing with him the eight years he was in office. If he had, perhaps we wouldn't be facing the situation we are now." Perhaps if the people weren't so distracted by thousands of "conservatives yelling "wag the dog" then the country might have had the political will to deal with Saddam in 1998.

Yes people do have the right to boycott the Dixie chicks. Apparantly they also have the right to call them cowards. That doesn't mean they are right.

Your opinion Frank, coward is a dastardly word. I'm not surprised at the reaction. I would have expected the same self righteous prigs that so gleefully attacked Clinton to attack her for doing the same to their guy. She probably gave her countrymen more credit than than. I certainly am willing to stand by my contention that saying those things in England is no less cowardly than in the USA, which you well know was the point of my "sarcastic" comment. You Frank, also know damned well that courage didn't enter into her decision one way or the other, especially if, as you allege, she didn't think beore she spoke.

The knife was pointed in the correct direction.