The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2327   Message #9139
Posted By: Laoise, Belfast
21-Jul-97 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: HELP! I tink im an addict...
Subject: HELP! I tink im an addict...
I would like to share something I tink i have in common with a few of you out there.

I AM AN MUDCAT/INTERNET ADDICT. (Please note I am not just shouting!)

The First time i realised this was when one of my non-internet-friendly friends pointed out the huge tower of paper that was mounting in my room. She said "I think you need help".

My PC at home isn't linked (yet!) and I am therefore on-line only at work. I switch on every morning. Guess what URL is at the top of my bookmark list? I print off every song that I know or have heard of and even some that I haven't heard of. I have ammassed a mad collection of tunes, only some of which I have played. I don't have the time to get to play them all!

I know I'm not the only one. Bert Hansell, Kiwi and Suzy have all admitted addictive tendencies on the Friends thread.

My problem is - I am going away for two weeks and I know there won't be a computer in sight (I'll be on a boat - no wee cafe's in the middle of the outback with internet access as in the postcard thread). I'm dreading it - how will I survive without reading through all the threads?

Am I going mad? Can anyone help? Could we start an "Internet Anonymous" group for folk/trad musicians. I need to come to terms with my problem or I will have to get a bigger room.

