The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #914482
Posted By: *daylia*
20-Mar-03 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
" Seriously, I submit you are confusing our culture with the barbarian rituals of our most uncultured. THis is like asserting that the entire Chinese civilization is characterized by MahJonng, opium and Mao."

You're right, of course Amos. *deep heavy sigh*

This war is very upsetting, and the discussions about it seem to bring out the very worst in people sometimes, including me. I made some nasty hurtful comments about America on this and other threads yesterday. True or not, I regret contributing to ANY war, including a war of words. I only wish the best for America and Americans, and for everyone affected by this conflict. Love will overcome in the long run - it always does.

Thank you for being so gracious in your response.
