The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56795   Message #915726
Posted By: michaelr
21-Mar-03 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Greatest Anti-War Song Ever?
Subject: Lyr Add: WHAUR DAE YE LIE? (Karine Polwart)
I'm surprised no one has mentioned "Whaur Dae Ye Lie" (Where do you lie) by Malinky singer Karine Polwart. It's about the Bosnian war, and reduces me to tears every time I hear it. It's simple enough to use in a sing-along... if you can get through it. A devastating song.

Whaur Dae Ye Lie? (Karine Polwart)

Chorus: Whaur dae ye lie my faither?
Whaur dae ye lie my son?
Whaur dae ye lie my ane true love?
When will the truth be won?

Oor friends they came to protect us
Oor friends they bade us bide
Oor friends left us standing there naked
Wi' nae place left to hide (CH)

Oor neighbours they came wi' a hundred years' hate
Oor neighbours they came wi' guns
Oor neighbours they came for oor menfolk
An' they slew them every one (CH)

I hae sought oot yer grave wi' my mither
I hae sought oot yer grave in vain
I hae sought the bare banes o' the truth and the men
Faither whaur are ye lain? (CH)

I hae cried oot yer name to the four winds
I hae cried oot yer name till the dawn
I hae cried in the arms o' yer sister dear
Whaur dae ye lie my son? (CH)

I hae dreamed o' yer breath upon me
I hae dreamed o' yer yellow hair
I hae dreamed o' the sounds o' yer dying, love
Whaur dae ye lie my dear? (CH)

From the album "Last Leaves" (Greentrax, 2000)
