The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58010   Message #915738
Posted By: Bill D
21-Mar-03 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Subject: RE: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
I have been accused of being a member of the "folk police", because I have been argueing for 30 years and have posted to 253 Mudcat threads (+/- 27) about the need to keep the words distinct.
I sing and listen to many types of music, but prefer much of the older stuff, and simply want a guide when I go to a concert or purchase a record/CD. If everything is called 'folk', then nothing is is just music.
I simply resent seeing BOTH 'folk' and 'trad' being grabbed because they are short, handy words and being left with no easy way to refer to "all that old, often anonymous, mostly non-commercial, usually acoustic, music written about dogs and cabbages and battles and villains etc..."

Is that "policing"?...naaawwww *grin*...just complaining. Sing any damn thing you want, just leave me and a few old curmudgeons a little island in the vast sea of "new" where we can appreciate "old" without being told that "it's ALL folk"!