The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58017   Message #915795
Posted By: John Hardly
21-Mar-03 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Embedded media'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Embedded media'
I wish I knew how to ask this without seeming like I'm trying to escalate an arguement. I really want to know though. I grew up surrounded by many who deeply believed in major world conspiracies. As I got older I grew suspicious -- so many things about them just don't resonate with me. They seem too simplistic and they also seem to fly in the face of both human nature and common sense.

Now the internet is rife wid 'em. I have never seen so many well developed, deeply believed, MAJOR conspiracy theories -- so much so that they are even having a paralyzing effect on thought and action. And every one of 'em has any number of well developed websites that prove them to be the gospel truth.

the internet, once the great hope of man by its liberating access to information, is showing the frightening potential of throwing us back to the middle ages of superstition and paranoia. Just like the old joke (old saw?) about power tools -- "Yeah, now I can make twice the mistakes in half the time!". Man how the disinformation can speed 'round the world at light speed.

So, anyway, the short question. What would it take for you to believe the military, those reporting the story (the media), and ultimately the government, if they reported finding weapons of mass destruction? Have we come so far that there is no means by which this could be reported without your doubting it?