The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57913   Message #916009
Posted By: Rick Fielding
22-Mar-03 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore's letter to Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore's letter to Bush
Well I'm sure several folks will quickly jump on me and say I'm wrong Geoff. Describing Rush (a hugely popular radio talk-show host) is probably like the three Blind 'Wise men' trying to describe and elephant to the King.

The guy has many sides.

I'm absolutely riveted by human behaviour (mine as well as that of others) and I find Limbaugh (who I've listened to, on and off for several years to be one of the most interesting phenomena of the day.

He's articulate to a fault, sees himself as being hilarious, and often stops himself in the very nick of time from making anti-black remarks (in jest of course) His targets are liberals, Democrats and those he sees who have "class envy". He certainly understands most issues, although he never sways from his "only the strong SHOULD survive" point of view. I'm sure he's well aware that George W Bush, is hugely unprepared intellectually to be the leader of any country, and seems unable to hold the tiniest bit of information in his head...but Rush is a very respected member of the Bush inner social circle (as he was with that of Newt Gingrich) and probably has even done his share of "advising". (this is strictly my speculation)

His real Achilles Heel is that he could be taken apart by virtually any well informed moderate. Emotional Democrat guys like Paul Begala and James Carville (are you familiar with the show "Crossfire"?) might not fare as well. Rush is polite and REALLY knows how to use the language.

In a nutshell, he harps again and again on what he sees as the Democrats' failings, and simply ignores the same behaviour in Republicans.......although I think he TRULY believes that he's a balanced commentator.

