The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9525   Message #91602
Posted By: Andrés Magré
02-Jul-99 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Subject: RE: Vote for the best Love song Ever
May I vote too ? There is an old song very well known to many of you. I can't assure that it is the best, but I think it is the deepest love feeling ever expressed in a single phrase. It is My Old Kentucky, and the phrase is:

"Weep no more, mah Lady oh, weep no more today ! We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home.. for the old Kentucky home, far away.. "

From the worst poverty, near to slavery, this black man respectfully calls his beloved "Mah Lady" (not my honey, not my impossible dream, not my madness, just mah Lady, just our home) This is the only song I could never sing, because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to open my throat. Best regards -