The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58017   Message #916075
Posted By: Peg
22-Mar-03 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Embedded media'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Embedded media'
"brilliant Condoleezza Rice?"

She's a smirking, self-satisifed puppet just like Dubya. It makes me physically ill to watch her speak on TV. The smiling, smug way she tries to defend the current administration's illegal and immoral activities. She was chosen very carefully for this job. No one wants to believe an African-American woman would be capable of being such an inhumane monster. But she is. And I believe it is no coincidence that the Bush regime chose her because of her race. (The Bush family--Bush Sr. that is-- used to own a piece of retirement property in Texas which stated in its deed docuemnts it could never be sold or leased to non-whites. I believe they sold it after this information became public knowledge).
I don't think she's brilliant at all. I think she's terrifying. Listen to her and listen to how many times she uses the phrase "the President thinks" or "the President feels" or "what the President is trying to do" or "what the President wants." Pure brainwashing, lap-dog sycophantic manipulation.
We all KNOW he doesn't think; he has others doing it for him.