The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58017   Message #916133
Posted By: Mudlark
22-Mar-03 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Embedded media'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Embedded media'
John Hardly...while I eschew conspiracy theories on the whole(granted, bassed on intuitive rather than rational lines...most of the people spouting them just "sound weird"), I think we've been living in a climate of managed news, news as entertainment, docudramas passing for real historym for so long it's hard to believe anything heard from the media. I noted this morning in Frank's press conf. that there has been a sudden shift from Getting Saddam, to Getting the Regime. Now that the military (says) it doesn't know where Saddam is, or if he's wounded or dead, the party line is, that's not important. I can still see Bush fulminating against this same Saddam, claiming the world would never be safe until he was dead. Ditto BinLaden. When leaders shift gears, w/o explanation, w/o embarrassment and without question it's pretty hard to believe anything they say. In general, there was so little real information of ANY kind in that press conference, it's of little consequence what was said.