The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58017   Message #916320
Posted By: Troll
22-Mar-03 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Embedded media'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Embedded media'
Kevin, I must agree with TrollArt and gregstevens. Saddam will use WMDs only if he thinks he can get away with it or has nothing left to lose. I wouldn't be surprised to see him use them on Baghdad if the war seems totally lost, just to take as many Americans with him as he could without regard to the fact that his own people would die as well.
Bev and Jerry, the reason there are few if any trenches in the south, is that Saddam does not expect to stop the Coalition Forces there. The regiments that have been encountered thus far have been ragged and poorly equipped. The elite Republican Guard are "dug in" around Baghdad and there are trenches in evidence in plenty. As I said before, if what you claim actually happened, Saddam would have been on it like a duck on a junebug. He couldn't BUY that kind of PR.
You say that now, 12 years later and conveniently just in time for the war, "numerous reports" are surfacing.
Please provide links to back up your accusations.
