The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58009   Message #916354
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
23-Mar-03 - 12:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: The streets of San Francisco
Subject: RE: BS: The streets of San Francisco
If you're going to San Francisco

All across the nation
Such a strange vibration
People in motion, people in motion
There's a whole generation
With a new explanation

Isen't it strange you can put a few words of a song here and then you start to hum the tune and it sticks in your head while your reading a thread?
Or maybe this doesn't happen to you and you won't be distracted from the words that you've read, or the things that you've said.You think of the tune, then let it go instead.
Oh hell,now I've drifted this thread, without saying much of anything at all!

Seriously, thanks for that read on the Frisco protest Springhopper. Admittedly I've been avoiding watching the news the last few days just to try and get a break from the war and the madness and anger that filters in my brain when I watch it. I still stay informed just by coming here and my peace action group, and other people and places but I don't have to watch the bombs drop.
However to stick with the discussion, I agree with Kat on the subject. The bigger and more distracting the protest, the more the news gets out there. The more the news gets out there, more people lose their fears and join in. The more people make a stand, the more we get heard. It is not too late to stop the protesting. Is not and won't be until the war is stopped.
I do not agree on un-peaceful protest. That is a hypocrite who trys to end violence with violence and I really don't believe it is the peace protesters staring the violence. More than likely the pro-war people trying to start shit.
All we are saying, is give peace a chance,Peace. Rustic