The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11938   Message #91639
Posted By: Big Mick
02-Jul-99 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: An Irish Tale
Subject: RE: An Irish Tale
Meanwhile, back across the valley, Bodhran O'Shea and Mi/chea/l Mo/r stood watching the "seein' too" the Pooka was giving to the cow. "Bedad, now" sez the wee one, "I never have seen worse, where did that wee faery go, just when I need her?". "And after waking me from a dead sleep with that piercing Belfast Brogue," sez Mick, "you would think she would stick around and help us with this mess she has gotten us into". Just then, himself the Pooka, he having finished his business, looked at them both. He shook his head and said....................