The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57941   Message #916486
Posted By: Oaklet
23-Mar-03 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: Music Police raid Sloop, Barton Lincs
Subject: RE: Music Police raid Sloop, Barton Lincs
Anyway, I have just spoken to Jill (landlady of the Sloop) who asked me to remind all those planning to attend the mass-action on Tuesday that they will have to backdate their membership by 48 hours to gain entry to the private room set aside for the "Mother of all Sessions" on Tuesday. If the Assistant Licensing Officer is there (Jill will know) then this will not be possible. Prepare for a bit of an administrative drag on Tuesday, but it could be a bit of a landmark evening. Jill is ringing the ALO tomorrow to discuss the acceptability of the frosted glass in the new door that has been added to the room. It is important that the public cannot see the musicians. Having seen Bloke-in-the Corner, I understand why.

To anyone who has encountered a licensee who doesn't give a flying f*uck about music sessions, I think that Jill should be praised for entering into the spirit if the thing. I was quite moved when she explained that she was angered to tears by last week's visit, and it must have been very tempting to say b*ollocks to it and expel the aerophonists, bangers, twangers, blowers, scrapers and dirge-traffickers in favour of a quiet life.

Anyone travelling from afar can stay at Bloke-in-the-Corner's house for as long as they want. Or Banjo-Flower's house come to that, as I have his keys.