The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58057   Message #916747
Posted By: GUEST,Norton1
23-Mar-03 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: U.S. Sergeant Kills One, Wounds 15
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim Sergeant Kills One, Wounds 15
Guess we should call you paranoid also eh Greg? I don't think the fragging had anything to do with religion. The individual who threw the grenades was someone who had been reprimanded for poor performance and was being held back from the fighting. His intent was to get even with the officer that caused his stellar career to fail (at least in his way of thinking) would be more my guess. Hopefully they will just haul his sorry ass out and shoot him.

I would however agree with you that we are all under a greater threat from fundamentalist religions - I mean really - Jerry Falwell and his ilk? And what was the pair's names - oh yeah Tammy Faye and her other half. Now maybe if they were to become the leader of the country - I would think we could certainly all be paranoid.

Bush's War? Hmmm - - really? All by himself? Why Greg - no one is that powerful - get real -