The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11953   Message #91675
Posted By: Dani
02-Jul-99 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Can we hire Dick Greenhaus?
Subject: RE: Can we hire Dick Greenhaus?
...but what I really came to say is this: I just got a wonderful handful of help I didn't know I needed about a Kipling story I'd been wanting to find, along with leads to several great internet sites. Kipling is on the barest fringe of 'folk' music, I would think, and yet the spirit is willing.

I suggest that, (haven't I hear this somewhere before ;) when we are helped in such a way, with a question answered or an itch scratched, we make an immediate offering of thankfulness. This will obviously not preclude the need for a steady income, but it might help keep the circle alive.