The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58009   Message #916839
Posted By: GUEST,guest
24-Mar-03 - 02:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: The streets of San Francisco
Subject: RE: BS: The streets of San Francisco
the last time a protest changed the course of events in america was during the vietnam war. mounting protest including over one million strong in a washington dc march, brought about an end to that war. unfortunately, it also taught the government to abolish the draft and field a mercenary army thereby disconnecting a large amount of people from feeling the pain and sacrifice of having their children used for unjust warmaking. you'll also note that just one member of congress and none of the senior executive branch have any of their children in harm's way. it's why the military is now a "professional" tool of the administration rather than an expression of the american people's duty and desire to protect their country resulting in the current military adventurism that we are enduring.