The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54960   Message #917446
Posted By: David Ingerson
24-Mar-03 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
I've been at every Singtime Frolics--19 of them--and this was, IMHO, the very best! It rained most of the time, forcing everyone (about 110 of us) indoors, so the workshops and jams were well populated, the energy was high, and rehersing for the concert was happening here and there all over the camp by late Saturday afternoon. The level of musicianship, the average expertise level was higher than ever before, I think, so there were fewer songs stumbled through and lots of preparation evident. (And I appreciate that partly because the experience of listening is more enjoyable but also because it means people are singing at other times in their lives and making a committment to singing better.)

Sorry we can't share any wild tales (or tails) like the folks who went to the Northern Ireland gathering. We pretty much confined ourselves to the camp (and there was no alcohol). But what energy! I have always prided myself on being able to stay up to all hours for the sake of singing together, and although I helped close things down a little after 3:30 Friday night, I couldn't last past 3:00 on Saturday, and there was more than 2 hours of singing after that! At recent Singtimes we've been lucky to keep singing going until 2:00, but at 2:00 Saturday evening, there were 3 groups (!) still going strong!

The Saturday evening concert was the best (and the longest) with about 40 groups or individuals performing one song each. I think we're attracting better musicians and many of us are practicing more and just plain getting better. What a joy to hear and to sing along with. A handful of the younger kids participated in the concert. The handful of teenagers decided not to perform but it was great seeing them at their parents' folk singing camp.

That high energy continued all the way through to the end with more people staying for the final sing than ever before. How wonderful to sing one inspirational song after another, one farewell song after another in a large circle of beautiful people with all our voices resonating together.

The hugging barometer was also very high--lots of hugs and high quality ones, too!

Mary G, you were so right about Sharyn--what a treasure house of knowledge and songs and what a pleasure to listen to! Glad you came, Sharyn.

That inspiring weekend with relaxed, caring, singing people gave me the strength to face this crazy world again today. Thanks to everyone who was there. What a fantastic time!

Hey! Welcome, Steve! Now you'll have something to do with all your free time since you're retired. ;-)
