The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11938   Message #91766
Posted By: LEJ
02-Jul-99 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: An Irish Tale
Subject: RE: An Irish Tale
Suddenly a gaily fiddled reel caught the ears of the entire group of unlikely creatures. Immediately they were caught up in a frantic dance. Then it was they spied Darby O'Gill. "Hee hee," the old geezer snickered, "I'll have all o' yer gold for mesel !" King Brian Boru laughed a hearty but tiny laugh himself." Sure'n yeer too late, Darby ye old sod! We fairy folk have gotten out o' the unpredictable precious metals market, and are heavily invested in No-load mutual funds!" O'Gill stopped his fiddlin, casting a doleful glance."Well then it's back to the farm fer me. I'll leave all of ye blatant stereotypes in peace..."

"Wait!" Shouted Bodhran."It's no future there is in farmin! This is Ireland man! Ye would best look into real estate, light industrial manufacture, or silicon chip tecnologies." Darby gazed uncomprehendingly at the Leprechaun. Bodhran scratched his head, then had an idea."Yer fiddle! Why sure that's worth it's weight in gold! Traditional Irish music is all the rage in Americay! Ye'll be a millionaire overnight- just ask Big Mick there!"

Mick laughed and said...