The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58017   Message #917739
Posted By: Mark Cohen
25-Mar-03 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Embedded media'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Embedded media'
The PBS link includes this fascinating and possibly prescient statement by General Schwartzkopf:

On the question of going to Baghdad_ if you remember the Vietnam war, we had no international legitimacy for what we did. As a result, we, first of all, lost the battle in world public opinion. Eventually, we lost the battle at home.

In the Gulf war, we had great international legitimacy in the form of eight United Nations resolutions, every one of which said, "Kick Iraq out of Kuwait." Did not say one word about going into Iraq, taking Baghdad, conquering the whole country and- and hanging Saddam Hussein. That's point number one.

Point number two- had we gone on to Baghdad, I don't believe the French would have gone and I'm quite sure that the Arab coalition would not have gone. The coalition would have ruptured and the only people that would have gone would have been the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

And, oh, by the way, I think we'd still be there. We'd be like a dinosaur in a tar pit. We could not have gotten out and we'd still be the occupying power and we'd be paying 100 percent of all the costs to administer all of Iraq.

Now, I'm 98% sure that DougR and a few others will say, "No, we're going to give the country back to the Iraqi people, we won't be staying there." How does he know that? Because the President said so on TV, and the President never lies. Let's just forget about the plans that were made public a few months ago about an American "governor" who would remain for "a year or two." Besides, General Schwartzkopf couldn't possibly know what he's talking about, could he? "A dinosaur in a tar pit" -- no, that couldn't happen. After all, this is Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Well, we can look on the bright side. If there really is going to be Iraqi Freedom, then we'll all have someplace to go when they continue to take away ours.
