I didn't see the awards presentations, and really appreciate hearing all your comments on what went on. I am so glad that Michael Moore voiced his thoughts ( but indeed who could have stopped him), for he gave voice to what many of us are thinking. I just returned from 3 months in Costa Rica, and I know from polls there that the vast majority of Costa Rican people do not support this invasion/war, even though they remain friendly to Americans. They seem to be able to separate the American people from the government. What I read in the press while there correlated with Stilly River Sage's comments about it being "painfully obvious who is benefitting from this war". And then on my return, when I read in our local newspaper, the Oregonian (hardly a radical publication ) about Bush's proposed tax cuts for the very wealthy; $440 BILLION !!!!!!!! over the next few years, and also on top of that another $2 TRILLION !!!!!!! over the next decade for the top 1% of American taxpayers ( I am not making up these figures, I have the column right in front of me), it illuminates the whole picture even more. I like to refer to this war not by the administration's name Operation Iraqi Freedom, but by the more appropriate "Operation Iraqi Liberation", or O.I.L., ( a title which I'm sure the administration was careful to stay clear of).