The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11938   Message #92166
Posted By: The Shambles
03-Jul-99 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: An Irish Tale
Subject: RE: An Irish Tale
The Downballyfuckit Possum Ocarina and Tiple, Tango, Conga and Hokey Cokey, Limping Band were out on one of their 'Hunting The Ostrich', forays, as it was June 31st, or St Catspaw's day (I'm not too good with dates). They had started out with the wren but had moved on to bigger things.

The Bunyip was the nearest thing they had ever seen to an ostrich, so they made a bee-line for it and encircled it, all the time playing their version of Dancing Queen.

The Australian marching band saw this and decided to rescue their compatriot. They were not in the best of humour as they thought they been invited to Ireland to star on TV by Kerry Packer, the famous Oz TV magnate and had only just discovered that they had actually been invited by a Kerry Packer (a chap called Finbar Eidleman, who packed fish in Kerry), who just wanted to see if such a thing as an Australian marching band actually existed.

Just then there was an amazing sound coming from the east (for they were standing by the cross-roads at Spancil Hill), they all looked to see it was -----