The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11938   Message #92196
Posted By: Big Mick
04-Jul-99 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: An Irish Tale
Subject: RE: An Irish Tale
The giant of a man and the wee faery. They were at a barn and all were dancing in the lantern light, music filled the air. He thanked the stars for the harvest moon, and asked them to turn him small or make the wee faery tall. For sure and hadn't he fallen for her in spite of her piercing northern brogue, and tendency to bring horny pooka's down to his fair western land. Of course he would have to teach her to drink the lovely pints of Uncle Arthur Guinness's very finest ale, for she had referred to it as that "vile black stuff". At any rate, he gathered her up, along with the fair young and bald young maiden, the wee fella known as Benjamin Bodhran and they..........................