The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58010   Message #922253
Posted By: denise:^)
31-Mar-03 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Subject: RE: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
I've always thought of the "folk police" as the folks who:
~come up to you after your performance, and tell you that you did it "wrong," because that's not the way "______" sang it on her album;
~tell you that what YOU do CAN'T be folk music, because it's different from what THEY do...

In other words, the narrow-minded, the intolerant, the self-righteous...those who KNOW the way things 'should be,' and are ready, at the drop of a hat, to tell you so!

They're around in every walk of life--

In our walk, we call them folk police!
