The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58356   Message #923494
Posted By: Mooh
01-Apr-03 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
From what I understand, Canada (my home and native land) has about one trillionth the armed forces of the Excited States. As such, we can hardly even patrol the arctic, never mind assist an international invasion, legal or otherwise. In short, any assistance would be less than symbolic. Our expertise is more along the lines of peace-keeping and postconflict assistance.

I entirely disagree with this war and am proud that Canada has kept its distance, even if PM Cretin does a lousy job of expressing it. The assumption that the US is always backing Canada is false, and in fact there're continued disputes in trade, immigration, and elsewhere. It is insulting to me that the "if you're not for us, you're against us" reasoning seems to be so prevalent, and it smacks of arrogance and paranoia.

For MLB to dictate to Canada based teams regarding patriotic songs is petty arrogant paranoia, disrespectful of the host nation, qualities it seems to share with its government.

Peace (seriously), Mooh.