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Thread #58356   Message #923806
Posted By: GUEST,Susanl
01-Apr-03 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
James is right. Quebec is a different story.

I disagree with playing only the host's national anthem. One could make a case against playing anthems at all at a sporting event but if any anthems get played, then the anthems of both teams should be played.

JenEllen, I don't know any Canadians who hold all Americans responsible for decisions made by corporations and/or the American government. The overwhelming feeling here is affectionate and respectful towards the American people. What I objected to was the imposition of a political stance at a sporting event. And let's say I'd bought tickets for opening day for my nephew and me. I didn't hear about the God Bless America clause until yesterday. So, would I have told my nephew that we couldn't go because I objected to their God Bless America decision? Possibly. I guess it would have been an opportunity to teach my nephew about taking a stand. But it also would have ruined a 9 year old's day. It was just inappropriate for Major League Baseball to dictate what they did and for the Jays to comply.

They did play God Bless America at the 7th inning stretch yesterday and there was some cheering. Canadians who disagreed would have been forced to boo God Bless America in order for their voices to be heard. I don't know any Canadians who would do that because it would be disrespectful to Americans and we LIKE Americans. It was unfair for any of us to be put in that position.