The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58363   Message #923864
Posted By: breezy
01-Apr-03 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: Songwriting Contest Announcements 2003
Subject: RE: Songwriting Contest Announcements
Is this more of a 'performance' rather than 'song''contest'?
True its good to be able, ney essential to communicate your composition, but is it reaaly the composition that will be judged or the overall 'sound'?
Pity the poor bugger who can write but not play or even sing well enough to perform.
Surely its the content first, packaging 2nd.I dont play sleevenotes.
Send all the entries to me, no charge and I'll have my club adjudicate.
Better still send them to the Maidenhead folk club, they dispensed with the 'panel' and went democratic.Hey! does this contest reflect a change in stance by the U S on constitutional and human rights, and is this not already being played out on a wider world stage ? Should we be concerned by this trend?
Oh yeah ,who really won the race to the White house last time? Why the runner-up!
El Grek's songs are too good ,they'll be beyond your comprehension but enjoy whatever he's sent you.
Bang goes my next visit to Florida.
