The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2327   Message #9240
Posted By:
22-Jul-97 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: HELP! I tink im an addict...
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
Yes, sigh, we can all probably relate to this. My studio/office is in my home, so I am able to log on any day or hour that I wish. I'm not sure if that is a blessing or a curse. I am sitting here ill, headache, etc. and should just go back to sleep, but could not resist checking my email and ESPECIALLY checking out what is happening at the Mudcat Cafe. (Are we crazy? Obsessed?) I could not even resist typing in lyrics to the Frog in the Well song. I must admit that in the frenzy of the moment of getting the words down, I forgot my headache for a bit. If this is obsession, then I know that having music be such an important part of my life is the "healthiest" obsession I have ever had. Alice