The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2224   Message #9242
Posted By: Jon W.
22-Jul-97 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: What is a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What is a Folk Song?
It's tough to find anything to listen to live. I guess that's why we have to make the music ourselves. I'm more of a wannabe than a true musician - I've learned and forgotten a lot of '30's acoustic blues on guitar, I started listening to Irish/celtic a few years ago and from there I've tried to get more into American/appalachian traditions, and I'm trying to learn banjo and tin whistle with some success. Here in little old Murray Utah we have a free acoustic music festival each Labor Day. Last year the crowd was a few hundred. There was a singer/songwriter type trio (two guitar/vocalists and a standup bass, who did a funny song on being online), a good Irish band called Shanahy featuring Kate MacLeod (she's supposed to be known nationally, anyone heard of her? she plays fiddle, guitar, and sings), and then a group which I would have to categorize as acoustic country pop. I had to leave after a few of their songs, couldn't take it any more. When I hear of a good concert I go to it (if it's free or low cost - my wife keeps us on a strict entertainment budget). But those are few and far between. So I have to content myself with listening to recordings and a few radio shows and trying to learn the music by ear, which is a slow process for me. It's good to know there are others out there with the same struggles. Thanks to all.