The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58356   Message #924494
Posted By: Jimmy C
02-Apr-03 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
The playing of anthems is something that occurs all over the world. My problem with this is the way they are being presented, the singing of an anthem (any anthem) should be dignified and sincere, It should not be portrayed as a pop song, a rap song, a rock and roll song, simply because thay are NOT SONGS, they are ANTHEMS and should be held in reverence, They should not even be cheered at the end. Cheering an national anthem is like cheering the Lord's Prayer, they deserve more respect than that. However the playing of SSB at the Blue Jay game served I believe as an opportunity for many canadians to show their support for our american neighbours, whether we believe in this war or not, they are our friends and neighbours, and as not all canadians are happy with the stand our government took on this issue the baseball game gave many the chance to show the americans that they do have many friends up here. I don't think anyone in their right mind really wanted a war, and many americans voiced their opposition to it, just as many canadians voiced their support for it, too bad the Iraqi people cannot voice their opinion on anything and we should not forget that.
To all the american catters I just wnat you to know that I have travelled extensively throughout the atates and have met only warm, helpful and friendly people (friendly to a fault), I cannot say that I fully support this war but I do think Canada should have acted more like a neighbour and friend. lets hope and pray pray that it will be a short one and that all your sons, daughters husbands, wives and family members and friends are back home safely very soon.

Carole C - you are right - it is only a game,
