The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58356   Message #924593
Posted By: Susanl
02-Apr-03 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
Kim C, you're right. There are bigger fish to fry. But I think it's what it represents that drew so many people into the discussion. It was a gesture that at once gave a voice to all those who support a war and silenced those who don't. To boo God Bless America is to boo Americans. There are much more important things to worry about right now but I think the discussion was started by people who wanted to express themselves beyond a "Yer either fer us or agin us." mentality. A LOT of people around the world are tired of being put in that position, including many Americans.