The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924653
Posted By: Jeri
02-Apr-03 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: BS: Culture of Offendedness
I mentioned this in another thread. It just seems that there's a growing phenomenon - people who enjoy being pissed off about damned near anything. Perhaps it started a few decades ago with expository journalism and gained ground with TV 'talk' shows that have the audience shouting at guests.

It's growing here at Mudcat, too. I mean, start a thread on "Baa, Baa Black Sheep," and some folks will get pissed off about singling out a black sheep, others will say 'sheep' isn't a polite term, still others will be indignant about the questioner apparently condoning the exploitation of sheep, or say they're offended by wool clothing, someone will insist "baa" is spelled wrong and should be in quotes, someone will call the questioner a troll...
...and people will invariably pick one of the original indignancies to pursue and the original subject will be forgotten. Often, the humanity of the other people involved will be as well.

T'm not talking specifically about Mudcat - we're just a microcosm. It seems to be pretty easy to accidentally start an argument just about anywhere. Some individuals are always going to look for things they can be offended by. It just seems to me that being angry is becoming the fashion of the day. Am I wrong?
(Points for lack of originality deducted if you post to say you're offended.)