The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924777
Posted By: JenEllen
02-Apr-03 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Yeah, you are right, Jeri. I always figured it was a case of self-centeredness coupled with a lack of manners. I don't know if it's just a 'human thing' but people (self included) have a really hard time in stepping back and realizing that it isn't always about them, that there might be others, complete strangers even, that would suffer for their actions. That self-centeredness might be conquerable, but when you pair it with unconscionably bad manners? When you lose that little voice that tells you to mind your p's and q's, bad things happen.

I fear for us humans, it's probably terminal. As a microcosm, Mudcat suffers because you can't SEE people, read body language and factor in a poke in the ribs unless someone takes the time to type it out (yawn). In the real world, it's scary as hell and you figure that same feeling has to transfer over to Mudcat, right?

Example: When I travel, it's usually out of the Seattle airport. Coming home is always a disaster, the parking garages spit you out on this open piece of tarmac where people have to jockey for position in lines at the payment turnstiles. I've actually seen people get out of their cars and attack other drivers. I figure that eventually I'll get out of the garage, I have to, right? --so I have no problem in letting people pull in in front of my car. You get one of two responses: first being the overly effusive hand-wavers who do everything short of licking the glass to tell you how grateful they are, and second being the people who staunchy refuse your offer. They know the only reason you are letting them pull in front of you is so that you can shoot them in the back of the head and steal their car.   If they do that, with a living, breathing human in front of them offering them assistance, what are they going to be like when they can't even see the person? It's always easier to assume the worst.