The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924785
Posted By: harvey andrews
02-Apr-03 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Seems to me everybody is ANGRY!!! Watching US TV talk shows people are always shouting, considered debate. Is discussion dead? Same in the UK. I've never watched a soap in my life but I often catch the last minute or so before the next prog...and someone's always screaming in somebody's face.And now the people in the street are beginning to act like the actors on the screen because they think that's the way life has to be. last weeks "Question time" seemed to go the same way. It seems everybody goes from 0-10 with no numbers in between and it certainly has happened here on Mudcat since i started to join in...particularly about the war. Everybody has an opinion but it just doesn't seem, in general, as educated and reasoned as it once was.
Then I watch Fox news and realise it probably never will be again!
In Birmingham the BBC studios had a demo outside tonight protesting that the BBC was biased IN FAVOUR of the war. That balances the press allegations it's biased AGAINST.
I don't think the Brits realise what they have in the Beeb at times like this...they should watch Fox news and beware the future.