The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924811
Posted By: Jeri
02-Apr-03 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
I wish we got BBC TV here. I remember watching it during the Iran hostage thing and the failed rescue attempt, and the news seemed more balanced than what we were getting from the US.

Maybe it's not just being offended that's chic at the moment. Perhaps it's cruelty in general. I'm thinking of current TV shows in the US that embarrass, scare or insult people for entertainment. It's the modern equivalent of the colla...cole...that Roman thing with the lions and Christians and gladiators.

Anybody ever get flipped off by a driver of a car with one of those "random acts of kindness" bumper stickers?

As to Mudcat, yeah Elle. Everything here is in black and white, good or bad. Somebody we think might be foaming-at-the-mouth mad may really just be playing around. Someone else may seem like they're incredibly cruel or stupid or nuts, and they simply don't write well. Also, there isn't much forgiveness in this medium. You say something dumb, and it will linger in the database forever, even if it was just prompted by your mood and not your personality.

Again, maybe it's just that I'm more sensitive to this sort of thing than I have been in the past. I remember my mom, who died in '92, quit watching most TV except 'nice' shows because she couldn't stand everyone yelling at each other - especially on the sitcoms (she was a sitcom junkie). At that time, I didn't really think it was a big deal, but it made me think.