The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924871
Posted By: catspaw49
02-Apr-03 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Yeah, great thread Jeri........Fuck you.


PS......I think that as our society has "advanced" and we have turned over more things to be handled by our government, a corporation, or maybe just the guy next door, we have become more and more powerless and less in control of our own lives. We then seize upon anything that helps us to verify our worth and our existence and the quickest way into ourselves is through anger. It's getting worse and the younger generation is affected even more than we are.

There is also a feeling among most people that striking back is more fulfilling than laughing it off. We rarely stop and consider the end result we want to achieve but rather simply let the anger flow and strike back at the person who has "insulted" us. What's the point of that? Frankly, in the short term, it makes you feel good, but over the long haul nothing is gained or achieved. A yell out the window of your car was replaced by the finger which has now been replaced by a gun.

Anger can only be detrimental to us emotionally and physically, but we have's's in our control.