The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924886
Posted By: Jeri
02-Apr-03 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Rapiers, it IS a good way to solve problems and work together, and I've had the opportunity to work in that sort of environment. It doesn't work so well when most folks WANT to keep blaming people and things and there's no one to step in and say "Now, stop all that blaming stuff and talk about how to fix this!" I guess laying blame is a way to not have to deal directly with the issue, and may be more likely when folks don't think they can have any effect. Can't do anything about it - might as well be nasty to someone.

I agree about people and their buttons, Jon. I just get the feeling that folks come here (and go elsewhere) just hoping someone will push a button, and may then believe loud and hurtful reactions are justified - that they're good, and noble, and worthy of expressing if not nurturing.

In the Real World, what kindess exists seems to be dwindling. I don't know how it is anywhere else, but I remember how things were right after 9/11. Drivers were more polite and people in general seemed to give an impression of supporting one another. Now they yell, call each other names and talk AT people instead of TO them. It feels like we're divided, not by opposing views as we've always had them and always will, but an intolerance of any views foriegn to our own. People get offended, and act as though that justifies any extreme treatment of 'the other'. THAT's what really bothers me. It's not that people get mad - it's how they think that gives them a right to treat people. Am I on the wrong planet?