The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #924892
Posted By: NicoleC
02-Apr-03 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Hmmm. We do have televised gladitorial contests. It's called "professional sports," particularly boxing and football. We even treat sports figures the same way -- revered, sex objects who are expected to be rather stupid and otherwise incompetant.

And of course, that old show American Gladiators. Or anyone watch extreme fighting lately? Or those shows with the killer machines?

I think it's true people may get offended more easily. But I also think it's true that people are more offensive to begin with and manners are, like, SO out of style, you know? What passes for manners are generally a ridiculous set of customs in any culture, but it does require everyone to be paying attention to the way they treat each other.