The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58380   Message #925058
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
03-Apr-03 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where are the WMDs?
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the WMDs?
Troll's rhetorical question as to whether or not the Geneva Convention banned cluster bombs is pretty similar to asking if Jesus Christ ever tried to ban cigarettes! For someone who has "very little knowledge about depleted uranium shells" and "seem to recall something about their use in Yugoslavia", he seems perfectly capable of churning out a screed [part truth part nonsense] about the mechanical qualities of the substance. Does he know any exservice people who claim ---with great conviction---to be suffering from the effects of exposure to this stuff? I do. There are reputable medical sources which say that much of the poor health statistics in Iraq, for instance [poor health, birth defects and much more] can almost certainly be traced to the use of this abominable poison during the last Iraqi conflict. Weapons of mass destruction are much in evidence in Iraq today; they all seem to be in use by the "coalition of the willing'. Strange, by the way, how "chemical weapons" were never officially classified as "W.M.D."s till it was thought that Saddam might have them. [Not that I wouldn't support a ban on such weapons. And it's worth while noting that the U.S. refused to do just that.] Let's all pray that very soon an optimistic pronouncement by Tommy Franks, Rumsfeld or Bushie-tail Blair will turn out to be the truth for a change, and all the killing will stop.