The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58360   Message #925166
Posted By: Bob Bolton
03-Apr-03 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: Gordon Bok
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok
G'day Hrothgar,

We seem to have crossed in the ether ... arriving 24 April - not at the National ... Damn! Ah well, I'll just have to schlepp along to wherever he is.

BTW: I had meant to ask Gordon Bok about the tune he sings to Bill Scott's Old Man's Song. I have the words - as a poem, in Following the Gold, Omnibus/Puffin, 1989 - but I don't really think of Bill as a tunewriter. (Hey! I could be wrong!)

Does the new Bill Scott Songbook - copies of which have not seeped down to Sydney - suggest this has a tune by Bill? (Trickett, Bok & Muir credit him with Words & Music) I presume I will pick up a copy of the book the National ... a great place to update on all the stuff that doesn't flow freely enough over the state borders.


Bob Bolton