The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58415   Message #925271
Posted By: Troll
03-Apr-03 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Culture of Offendedness
Subject: RE: BS: Culture of Offendedness
I think that we have evolved (DEvolved?) a society where no is ever to blame, where everything that happens is always someone elses fault, and where everyone seems to think that THEY DESERVE to be happy and BY G-D! someone had better get their ASS in GEAR and make it HAPPEN.
And, of course, if it can be explained, it can be excused.
"Your Honor, my client may have chopped three of his co-workers up into hamburger meat but he was abused as a child. His Mother ignored him at times to care for her other six children and his Father yelled at him several times during his traumatic childhood. He was brooding on this when one of his co-workers told him to wake up and start 'doing his share' and something just 'snapped'. We request that all charges be dropped and that he be given a medical retirement from Burger Doodle with full benefits. It is obvious that he was not responsible for what he did."
And no one ever mentions the hundred thousand people who had childhoods just as bad ,or worse, than our young miscreant -excuse me, alleged miscreant- and lead productive, law abiding lives.
But to explain it is to excuse it. Everyone is a victim and so everyone is perpetually offended.
I recall a cartoon from many years ago in Playboy.( I only read it for the cartoons, Honest!)
This Lounge Lizzard type is sitting in a lawyers office and he says,"So I'm invited to this party. The Drinks were bar booze, the food was mediocre and the conversation forgettable. Now, do I have gounds for a lawsuit or don't I."
