The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12016   Message #92553
Posted By: Chet W.
05-Jul-99 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: History of 'The Wind and Rain'?
Subject: RE: History of 'The Wind and Rain'?
I do the version like the one by the Red Clay Ramblers, that starts "Two lovin' sisters went walkin' side by side", and after the murder the miller fishes out the body with his "long hook and line" and proceeds to make fiddle parts from the hair and finger bones. It was already such a grisly song, I was moved to add some verses in that vein, and every time we do the song more verses are improvised. Some examples:

He made a salad bowl from the top of her head....

He made a xylophone from her little rib cage....

He made an axe handle from her little femur bone....

He made a fine necklace from her pearly white teeth....

The possibilities are endless. Sometimes it does get out of hand. If you consult an anatomy book you could sing it all night.

I get perverse, Chet W.