The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58390   Message #925766
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Apr-03 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Axis of not as evil
Subject: RE: BS: Axis of not as evil
Ha! Ha! Ha! Lovely. Canada is perfectly placed too in the "Axis of Nations That Are Actually Quite Nice But Secretly Have Some Nasty Thoughts About America".

We've been secretly harbouring nasty thoughts about the USA ever since 1779 or thereabouts.

This is counterbalanced by the neo-Conservatives in Canada (who thankfully command less than 30% of the vote, I'd say). They openly worship the USA in every way possible, and detest and have contempt for an Canadian culture.

Their solution to the many problems of life is fourfold:

a) cut taxes(specially to the cut the taxes by $4 billion, reduce government spending on social services by $8 billion, and pocket the difference, sharing it with the rich folks who funded your campaign and got you in. Everything gets worse for most people, but you get rich, so who cares?)

b) Privatize publicly owned social services, selling to the highest bidder. Then watch as the price of everything goes up, eating up that miserable $4 billion tax cut in a New York minute. Yahoo!

c) Beef up law enforcement and execute the evil, as long as they're poor, but not if they're in your country club or boardroom.

d) Kill swarthy foreigners who talk funny. There are a lot of 'em. Too many.

They wake up every morning hoping to see American tanks rumbling across the border wavin' Old Glory and arresting Liberals (who would soon be shipped to Guantanamo, I suppose). It may sound funny, but actually, it's not...

- LH