The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58479   Message #926045
Posted By: Rick Fielding
04-Apr-03 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada-US Present Relationship
Subject: RE: BS: Canada-US Present Relationship
Hi Pat


Canada's relationship with the States is undergoing a blip....but there have been many OTHER blips, believe me.

For example, in the sixties we got a lot of bad publicity for welcoming (unofficially) draft dodgers, and deserters. Our Government generally turned a blind eye...while winking with the other one.

Every so often a US Senator or Congressman remembers that we've always supported (unofficially) Fidel Castro, and the shit hits the fan in the US.

Now we're dealing with "Operation Iraqi-Halliburton Freedom". This too will pass, and we'll be back to our (reasonably) normal relationship state.

But you have to understand.....IT IS NOT BASED ON FRIENDSHIP AND NEVER
HAS BEEN. It is so 'quid pro quo' it's hard to believe. American Presidents have absolutely LOATHED some of our Prime Ministers....Diefenbaker and Trudeau, and of course our current guy Jean Chretien.

We have learned how to live happily while being next door to the most well-armed country in the world, but it has very little to do with 'friendship', and everything to do with only making SMALL waves.

After all, if we were attacked by Upper Volta, we'd be conquered by noon. The States do NOT want Upper Voltans skiing in Plattsburg, so they'd save our ass....pronto.

We give away (or they'd simply 'take it') tiny chunks of our vast natural resources (water, wood etc.) and the US doesn't impose it's Government on us.....for the time being. far as personal friendships go....there'll be very little change. Think about it....your friends are your friends. There MAY be some problems in stores and restaurants....but that's still commerce, and the buck rules. Give it a year, and all will be fine.

Right now the US is making border crossings a real drag, but the economy of an awful lot of little decaying Yankee towns will take a big hit without those Canadian bucks, so expect to see that return to (mostly) normal as well.

