The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12032   Message #92610
Posted By: Jeri
05-Jul-99 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
Subject: RE: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
Elite sessions have a right to exist, but I've never encountered one and would probably walk out if I did. It's like keeping your kids locked in their rooms until they grow up and become properly socialized - it ain't gonna happen. I've heard someone complain about someone else's playing, but nobody was about to tell him to stop. A couple of year's worth of sessions later, I've heard the same person comment on how good so-and-so has become.

I don't understand why people would want to exclude others. I was very shy about my playing and it took a long time with people gently egging me on before I'd let anyone hear me. I have a tendency to treat people as I've been treated.