The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58512   Message #926878
Posted By: Bobert
05-Apr-03 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chiropractic
Subject: RE: BS: Chiropractic

Yer memorizer is a lot better than mine. I know I should remember the guys name. I can see his face and could drive you to his office but, dnaged, I can't bemember the guys name. But it weren't neith of thekm. He was out on Forest Hill Ave. on Southside about a mile before Rt. 360. If it comes to my feeble mind I'll get back with ya.


I don't know 'bout no meat, being a semi-veggie, but the guy is Grade A... And from yir parts of the woods, kinda... Youngstown, where my late wife was from. Good guy though for an Ohioian Quacterpractioner, that is.
