The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58356   Message #927758
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
07-Apr-03 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
The only problem PDC is that people attending a sporting event have set traditions and rituals that they go through - and expect. At a baseball game it is the players taking the field, the singing of the national anthem, and the 7th inning stretch. Each local park has their own traditions as well - the appearance of the Phillie Phanatic, the ground crew sweeping the field, a certain video on the scoreboard.   Even though the action on the field is spontaneous, the surrounding events are well choreographed.   Do I agee that it is necessary, personally I don't need it.

The singing of "God Bless America" was simply the owners expression and in some respect - their attempt at providing entertainment.   Yes, you are entitled to boo.   However you pay your money to be entertained and be provided a service. If you don't like what you are getting, leave. What happened at the ballpark however was more than just people complaining about a service. It was a lack of respect and a group of Canadians showing that they suffer from the same racist views at those they complain about.   I'm against this war 100% and I can sympathize with those that feel discomfort. There are other ways that Hussein could have been removed.   However Hussein is beyond a doubt a tyrant and an monster. Would I spit on the Iraqi flag or boo its display? No, the citizens of that country are not at fault.   (Before anyone says it - I am talking about the flag as representing the country, not the political regime.) Accepting and understanding diversity is the root of all the problems we face.

Spontaneous displays of patriotism?   Someone has to start the display for others to follow. If it is an announcer on a loudspeaker or a lone voice in a crowd, what is the difference after all?